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Gazeta Patreon

Support our culture jamming efforts

Gazeta Patreon

Gazeta Patreon

Support our platform and journalistic pursuits

Each supporter allows us to increase our budget spent in infrastructure, as well as recruiting & compensating writers

Our editorial team is planning frequent announcements

Encouraging collaboration with local journalism, community organizers & independent media

Covering important topics to our community members, often ignored by the masses

Art collectives, Nerd culture, startup culture, community & culture jamming

Guest essays & multimedia reporting

  1. We use Stripe to collect payments, and send payouts to the artists
  2. You'll be redirected to a Stripe page to continue, and we'll notify the artists after a succesful transaction
  3. Currently we don't support a shopping cart, you can get one or multiple units of the same Price per transaction
  4. We notify the artist after a succesful transaction and forward your shipping details and email to them
  5. The artists will reach out with tracking details, or follow up steps to complete the transaction